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  • We offer responses to all needs of label production for a wide array of uses and applications.
  • Consistent essential parameters (release force, porosity, caliper) for optimal processing speed and waste reduction during label production.
  • Strict process controls that ensure stable release and levels, adjusted to a wide range of adhesives.
Product SidesRangeGSMColour
Glassine1 or 212-230060-140All industrial colors are available
Clay Coated Kraft (CCK)1 or 212-230060-120All industrial colors are available
Machine Glazed Bleached Kraft (MGBK)112-230070-100All industrial colors are available
Machine Glazed Unbleached Kraft (MGUK)112-230070-100All industrial colors are available
SCK1 or 212-230065-163All industrial colors are available
Latex Saturated1 or 212-230073-105All industrial colors are available
Product SidesRangeGSMColour
PET1 or 220-230012-75All industrial colors are available

M.O.Q may be requested for less standard combinations.
Release levels on either side can be adjusted to your specific needs.

Paper type WeightSidesColourSilicon formulationPPGHLUAFPATL
Unbleached Coated Kraft902NaturalMedium/High

PPG = Prepregging
HLU = Hand lay up
ATL = Automatic tape laying
AFP = Automatic fibre placement

With an accurate analysis of your process as well as of the end-use of your product, we can customize our liners in order to reach the perfect release values and release differentials.

Paper type WeightSidesColourSilicon formulationPPGRe-useHLU
Unbleached Coated Kraft902NaturalMedium
*** Excellent dimensional stability in humid environments
PPG = Prepregging
HLU = Hand lay up

Infine Hi-Tech can provide customized formulations to fit the specific needs of your industry.

Paper type WeightSidesColourSilicon formulationPPGLay-up
Glassine801 or 2White/HavanaEasy/Medium
Unbleached Coated Kraft901 or 2NaturalEasy/Medium
Glassine901 or 2White/HavanaEasy/Medium
Glassine1201 or 2WhiteEasy/Medium

PPG = Prepregging

If you need a different formulation for the wind energy sector, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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